Cyberwanderer’s Blog

November 3, 2009

New ABC V Series Lizard Alien And Obama Health Care

Filed under: Entertainment,Politics,U.S. — cyberwanderer @ 9:16 pm
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ABC’s new V series is drawing controversy on its depiction of Alien promoting Hope, change and Universal Health Care and drawing brainwashed supporter caught in “Visitor” (V) mania. Blogs on the web are drawing parallel between the new series and Obama mania. But I am sure the series is not trying to suggest Obama is actually a Lizard bound on destroying humans. Because that would be so unoriginal and stealing a page from Fox News talking point.

October 12, 2009

White House Have Enough of Fox

Filed under: Politics,U.S. — cyberwanderer @ 8:12 pm
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White house is no longer even bothering to be politically correct or diplomatic about the “Republican Communication and Research Arm” Fox News. Fox News, owned by Murdoch – a well known hard core Bush supporter, have been on the offensive against Obama even going as far as to accuse him of being racist and hating white people.  (related article: New York Daily News).

This is just another chapter in the days of the disgusting outlet who call itself a news organization.  In my past blog, I have featured a video from Huffington Post and CNN showing how Fox distort news. (Link to my previous blog here >> Evidence of Fox Distortion Exposed in Media War.)

September 16, 2009

Racial Tension Rising in U.S.?

Filed under: Politics,U.S. — cyberwanderer @ 12:33 am
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The election of the first black president in the U.S. might be causing racial tension to resurface. There’s almost a sense of panic and paranoia in U.S. that Obama is driving them to ruin. Something unseen of even during the presidency of Bush. This leads to yelling match and boorishness across the U.S. culminating in Rep. Joe Wilson yelling and interrupting a speech of the President. The loss of civility in congress align the U.S. Congress closer to past Taiwanese parliament where congressmen physically assault each other.  Today, Jimmy Carter stated what was on the back of a lot of people’s mind, especially black people. That Wilson outburst would not have happened if Obama is not black. Carter claimed it was an act based on racism and rooted in fears of a black president.

Meanwhile, Kanye West outburst, interrupting Taylor Swift acceptance speech to claim Beyonce should have won, is raising some question as to whether this was another racial paranoia on Kanye West part. The victim mentality or feeling that a black woman who deserve to win have been robbed of her award in favor of a white woman.

There’s even consternation that Obama’s advisers are all white. So the big celebration after Obama was elected and the proclamation that America can finally put their ugly racial history behind seems premature. The cancer created by racist of old days and present day runs deep. U.S. seems to have been infected with Fox News culture, where yelling and drowning out people who have different opinion is a norm. Where outrageous lie are spoken without a blink of an eye.  LA Times call it a deepening social dysfunction.

But this phenomena is not limited to our neighbour to the south. Civility in Canada’s parliament has gone downhill since Stephen Harper adopted a yelling, insult and smear filled parliamentary session. If we let the neo-Conservative gang with the like of Bush, Howard, Fox and Harper go on their ways without censure, then the noisy minority would have their ways. Harper is obviously borrowing a page from former Australia’s PM Howard and have been caught delivering exactly the same speech as Howard. Civility, honesty and ethics be damn. Just tap in to people’s worse fear and prejudice. Divide and Conquer.

June 17, 2009

PETA in the Twilight Zone

Filed under: Funny,Weird — cyberwanderer @ 10:53 pm
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Here’s one for the weird in a demented cult kind of way. PETA criticized Obama for killing a fly and will be sending him a “humane bug catcher”, so that he can catch the fly humanely and set it free. (h/t A Creative Revolution)

I always considered PETA a hypocritical weird organization. But this incident make them deserved to be categorize as a self-righteous radical delusional organization. They also push their belief that everyone should be a vegan. I remember reading in the bible about the need for vegetarian to respect meat eaters and vice versa. Not sure PETA believe in God and bible. But hope not. We already have enough weird religion that’s been giving God a bad name and making people lose faith.

December 17, 2008

Why GM Can’t Fail; China’s Electric Car Plan

Filed under: Technology,World News — cyberwanderer @ 4:50 pm
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This is a follow-up to my previous blog about China’s plan to accelerate their push to put electric car in the market.  I came across this opinion piece in the internet, which makes several good points. Summary of his opinion follows with few of my comments added.

  • Car is the source of our problem – oil dependence leading to war, etc and pollutions leading to climate change.
  • Solution can be found by helping GM while letting Chrysler go under. Make it medium term commitment only (10-year). Obama appoints new head for GM. Offers rebates for purchase of electric car. Government and taxpayers become part owners (medium term) giving more incentives for Americans to purchase GM cars.
  • The Chinese government already plan to support the production of electric car announced by BYD (which will go on sale end of the year and to U.S. market by 2010). BYD is partly owned and invested by Warren Buffet (Berkshire Hathaway’s investor guru with reputation for good foresight).  U.S. should not lose the opportunity to be at the forefront of the future of car industry.

This is just a summary, read the full article here >> Jim Kingsdale: If cars are the problem, they can also be the solution. I don’t think I could have said it any better.

Letting all three automakers fail would set U.S. and North America so far back in the auto industry. Meanwhile, countries like China would get the upperhand and have greater chance of dominating the future of car industry.

Even with government support, GM would face some challenges in rolling out their electric car. The batteries needed are made mostly in Asia. Nevertheless, this is certainly not a time for doing nothing and just standing idly by. Moment of crisis offers the best chance for renewal. Either we cease this moment or be contented to lag behind.

The other often quoted reason that GM should not be allowed to just fade away is the half a million job that would be lost in Ontario alone. Toronto Mayor Miller warned that not only that, but when people lose their homes as a result of losing their jobs, then the bank would lose tremendous amount of money and even the banking jobs would be lost.

That scenario would lead to deep recession at best, another great depression at worse.

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