Cyberwanderer’s Blog

September 22, 2009

Evidence of Fox Distortion Exposed in Media War

Filed under: Politics,U.S. — cyberwanderer @ 10:20 pm
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It’s interesting to see Fox unravel. Although biasness of Fox is obvious to most of us, it has never been this obvious. It seems like the trigger might be Fox ad claiming the other networks was not at the anti-Obama 9/12 tea party protest. The network hit back and now there’s a viral video circulating showing Fox producer staging and directing the protesters. CNN was fuming at Fox lying about CNN not covering the protest. CNN then showed their tower cam shot with a  Canadian flag that was used as the picture on Fox ad. I guess they got use to getting away with lying and got too greedy.  There is a need to put an end to shameless lying and incitement of hate by neo-right wing group like Murdoch’s Fox’s. CTV and Globe and Mail should take note.

Here’s the youtube video of CNN exposing Fox’s organizing the rally (a video first exposed by Huffington Post):

June 2, 2009

AECL Sell-Off Ripe For Corruption; Emptying Canada’s Coffer

Filed under: Canada,Politics — cyberwanderer @ 11:29 pm
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The proposed sell-off of AECL to foreign firm are ripe for corruption. Whenever there’s foreign multi-national involved, Schreiber type lobbyist is not far behind. The government is also talking about letting contractor’s run the leftover, non-profitable part of AECL. Whenever I hear contractor and Harper / Flaherty,  it reminds me of Haliburton’s bidless contract or Flaherty’s awarding contract without tender.  The taxpayer end up having to pay more. And let’s not forget about the past Liberal’s Sponsorship scandal involving contracted out work that looks more like money laundering taxpayer’s money to private firm. The number of cases of contract that involves handing out exorbitant amount of money for little or no work in return are just so many. In best case scenario, the taxpayer will just get burned by constantly skyrocketing fee like the case with Highway 407 in Toronto.

In other AECL related news, Minister of Natural Resources Lisa Raitt apparently leftover some document labeled secret that mentioned talking points to try to blame Liberal for the isotope crisis. They would call it the “Liberal Mess”. (h/t A BCer in Toronto). Someone need to remind them that the Isotope crisis was created by Mulroney when he sell-off the profit that AECL get from the medical isotopes to private firm. AECL still produces the isotopes and sell it at non-profit price to MDS Nordion which in turns profited from them. So now another Conservative named Harper wants to sell off the only profitable division of AECL, which have been actively building nuclear plant around the world  using Canadian Technology. These countries includes  China, South Korea and Romania, where all projects were completed under or within budget and either on time or ahead of schedule.  But these successes are glossed over by the Harper friendly media who uses the very old reactor that produces medical isotopes to discredit AECL in favor of French company Areva. Some media columnist outrightly defame AECL and call for Ontario’s contract to be awarded to Areva.

So should we trust Flaherty and Harper to handle sell-off of taxpayers asset? Should we trust Harper, who has the same staff as Ontario’s Mike Harris? Including Flaherty who have been known to hide deficit. Something does not smell right when within four months, Flaherty’s prediction of deficit suddenly ballooned by more than 50%.  Now, Economist are warning that Flaherty’s projection are way off. TD pegged the deficit at $162 billion over five years, twice what Flaherty is projecting. Flaherty’s rosy prediction of $700 million windfall by 2013-14 was also disputed. Deficit is expected to be $19.4 billion in that fiscal year. Flaherty was also chided for having no plan to deal with the deficit. No surprise there really, since all Harper and Flaherty knows to do is deflect blame as “Liberal Mess” while doing nothing except selling assets to cover their butt in the short term. It’s the Harris / Flaherty disappearing Ontario’s deficit (and selling government assets) all over again. But this time they have a bigger assets and budget to burn at Federal level.

October 4, 2008

Harper Continue the Deficit Lie; Downplay New Plagiarism Of Harris Speech

Harper continued to lie about “oppositions plan would lead to deficit”. I guess it’s convenient for him to ignore the Liberal costed platform with plan to set aside approximately $3 billion annually to avoid such deficit. Harper, on the other hand still have no platform and waiting until a week before the election to release it.

When asked by a reporter about new revelation of Harper’s plagiarism of Ontario’s Mike Harris speech, Harper tried to downplay it saying it is just a few sentences. Yeah if it’s commonly used sentence then that would be understandable. But here are the words and sentences copied from Mike Harris speech. Judge for yourself whether these words, combination of words and sentences are commonly used.

Thinking about things from a new and different perspective  (is never easy). …It takes courage, conviction and the strength to know that taking a new and innovative course (is going to make) change for the better…. Genuine Leaders are the ones who do the right thing.

Conservative supporter tried to dismiss it saying great mind think alike and like Harper said, it’s only a few sentence. Show me a person who says this is not plagiarism and I’ll show you a very dishonest man.

h/t to Jerad Gallinger, the source of the revelation.

A reporter also asked Harper why at a time when Eurpopean leaders are meeting to discuss the economic crisis, he remain dismissive. Harper said the economic crisis is only in the U.S.  He says we must stick with the plan (which as of now, Harper’s plan is do nothing). Or just as Harper said at the beginning of his campaign, “We must stay the course” (another phrase borrowed from Bush speech).

Here’s a Liberal youtube video of Harris and Harper speech comparison. But the video did not show a large part of the second sentence I’ve indicated above and reported in various media.

Here’s another video that compares Mike Harris policies to that of Harper.

Update: Oct. 4, 2008 4:12pm EST
If you still have any doubt that Mike Harris and Stephen Harper have the same agenda. Their press released revealed they worked together in dismissing the new revelation. (h/t A BCer in Toronto). Both Harris and Harper men released each statement separately that says:

We’re not going to respond to every wild allegation from a panicked campaign that doesn’t want to talk about its own policies.

The only party who does not want to talk about its policies is Harper’s party. He is the only one without a costed platform. Harper and his men’s selective hearing is preventing them from hearing the other parties policies. That would explain why they keep saying the other parties does not talk about their policies.

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